Power BI Developer
Essential Requirements
• Presentation skills - you are comfortable presenting data and ideas to stakeholders and enjoy
mentoring other team members
• Many of our datasets are Terabytes in size, so Solid SQL and knowledge of relational databases,
preferably in a multi-parallel setting (MPP) will be required to deliver reports and dashboards
which scale to multiple regions (e.g. Teradata, SnowFlake) – 5+ yrs
• General purpose programming language such as Python, including knowledge of plotting
libraries such as plotly or matplotlib. 2+ yrs
• Experience building dashboards / reports in Tableau, PowerBI, DASH, RShiny, QlikView or
similar. 2+ yrs
• Education (Bachelor’s degree or higher) in a numeric / economics related field, or equivalent
practical experience
Desirable Requirements
• Knowledge of forecasting methodologies such as ARIMA, S-ARIMA, Holt-Winters, TAR, S-TAR,
ARCH, G-ARCH, ANN is a big plus.
• Previous exposure to a small business marketing campaign environment
• Experience in a PostGreSQL database
• Experience with analytics in Big Data environments – HDFS. Hive
• Awareness of ML / AI solutions applied in a campaign setting
• Experience in one or more of R, C#, Java, Go and/or similar is a plus
• Experience with visualization libraries such as d3.js, plotly, matplotlib, ggplot2, etc.
Data Analyst
Power BI